Welcome to my little webpage! I fell in love with "chunk" webpages so i wanted to create one too!
I dont know what kind of chunks to add!!!
This website is currently
So silly!
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i recently found out about gemini through johndvertisements and i was amazed that such cool thing exists!
gemini protocol is like http but cool as fuck. There are no annoying JS, CSS and easy! Text and links only being used (there can be links to http, videos and images!
websites are called capsules and there a lot of them, mainly blogs (called gemlogs)
to start using gemini and be dope, you can go to geminiquickst.art
i want to create gemini capsule too but idk what to post there so maybe there will be link soon
i use amfora, terminal based gemini browser and pages look like this(so cool!)
i don't remember who, but someone said on their website that social networks are stupid and you should make homepages and talk through email. I don't think this is entirely true, but its pretty cool so feel free to contact me! utoogaga@outlook.com